Hope your summer was great! We have much going on the next couple of months and plenty of opportunities to get involved. Our Golf outing was again a great event with a good time had by all. The pig roast is this weekend and is another great chance to serve the Church community. We have a membership drive coming up in September and a first degree in October. Pie Sales will resume and this year we are going to be selling Christmas Cards. Both of these fundraisers need minimal assistance after Masses. These are a great way to help the council with a minimum amount of time required. If you are able to sign up to help that will keep other brothers from doubling up.
At the last meeting I urged those present to contact brothers whom they brought into the council and invite them to return, even bring them to a meeting or event. I urge that of all of you as well. Again, if you know of a Man who may be interested in joining, ask them.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Pig Roast and throughout the year.

Grand Knights August message

Upcoming Council Events